Once only, a man walked the earth
With love and compassion, he gave us worth
Jesus, the son of God, so pure and kind
His sacrifice for humanity, a love of a different kind.
He lived among us, and taught us the way
Of love, forgiveness, and how to pray
And when the time came, to pay the price
He took upon himself, the sins of sacrifice.
With open arms, he was crucified
On the cross, his love, he multiplied
And in his death, he took upon the pain
Of all of humanity, again and again.
But death could not hold him, he rose again
And with his resurrection, hope did remain
For all of us, a chance to be saved
Through his sacrifice, our souls are paved.
So let us learn from Jesus' grace
And his love for humanity, that we can trace
For in his sacrifice, we find the way
To live our lives, in love, each day.