Bhavsagar is a Sanskrit term that refers to the "ocean of existence" in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is often used to describe the cyclical nature of life and the ongoing cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. This cycle is often compared to the ocean, with each life being like a wave that rises and falls.
In Hinduism, Bhavsagar is believed to be a manifestation of the lord Vishnu, and it is said that he rests in the ocean during the intervals between the creation and destruction of the universe. Lord Vishnu has taken 10 incarnation to help the process of evolution.
The First Avatar: Matsya (The Fish)
Evolution started from under the water.
The Second Avatar: Kurma (The Tortoise)
Amphibious one who can live under the water as well as land
The Third Avatar: Varaha
Boar head on a human body.
The Fourth Avatar: Narasimha
Half man and half animal body.
The Fifth Avatar: Vamana
The dwarf man
The Sixth Avatar: Parasurama
The full-fledged man but angry by nature
The Seventh Avatar: Lord Rama
The Perfect and peaceful man
The Eighth Avatar: Lord Krishna
The loving and diplomatic man
The Ninth Avatar: Gautam Buddha
Peaceful and meditative man
The Tenth Avatar:
Could be you and lot more number of individuals as divine will manifest in them
Each and every incarnation played a significant role in the process of evolution and the human being is the highest form of evolution which is believed to be identical form of divine and from here on it can evolve further spiritually only.

Everything that is created by divine is also expressed and closely resembles to the human body. In the human body Void or Bhavsagar is represented as ocean of illusion.
The Void is the region located within your abdominal cavity. It contains your Nabhi chakra. You can feel the vibrations of the Void within an area formed by concentric circles around the center of your palm.
The void is named as it represents the ocean of Maya (illusion) or non-enlightened awareness within an individual's experience. As a Lord Vishnu took different incarnation to evolve water creature into human being which is the highest form of evolution so far same way many gurus (Religious Teacher) took a birth to raise humanity from this void so that they could pierce the sahasrara (crown chakra) by kundalini. These gurus are known as primordial master.
Shri Raja Janaka – King of Mithila and Father of Shri Sita, wife of Shri Rama (India c. 8000 BC).
Shri Abraham – Forefather of the 12 tribes of Israel (Israel c. 2000 BC).
Shri Zarathustra – Instituted Monotheism and fire worship (Persia c. 1800 BC)
Shri Moses – Founder of Jewish law (Egypt c. 1250BC).
Shri Lao-Tsu – Author of Tao Te Ching (China b. 604 BC).
Shri Confucius – Taught ethics and compiled I Ching (China b. 549 BC)
Shri Socrates – Founder of Greek philosophy (Greece b. 431 BC).
Shri Mohammed – Founder of Islam (Arabia d. 632 AD).
Shri Guru Nanak – Founder of the Sikhs (India b. 1469 AD)
Shri Sainath of Shirdi – Shirdi Temple
These gurus set some principles to cross the void of illusion and without following those principles or morals one can not cross the void or bhavsagar and rise above the nabhi chakra. Later on these principles rose up in the form of religion.
The void, along with your navel and swadhisthana chakras, represents a unified spiritual group. Together, these three elements determine the direction of your evolution, from your creation to your ultimate awareness of spirituality and your journey thereon. Each individual requires the guidance of the guru one who is truly realised soul or one who knows the true path of salvation, and with the help of such a guru one can develop the qualities of void to fill it with enlightened knowledge. This happens when your kundalini is raised by true master, and with awareness of true knowledge and following the moral life one becomes guru of himself.
Qualities of void:
• Understanding of Dharma
• Awareness of personal dignity
• one who has control over senses or self-discipline
• Knowledge of self-guidance through introspection
• Stability in the thought process
• One who has patience
• Seeker of truth and divine knowledge
• One who can guide others by guru principle
The term "ocean of illusion" is used to refer the concept of Maya. Maya is a Sanskrit term that refers to the idea that the material world, and the individual identities and experiences that arise within it are full of illusion and impermanent. The material world is the projection of the mind and the ego and superego are manifestations of misidentification with the body and its experiences. This illusion is because of desires and attachments, which keeps individuals trapped in a cycle of suffering and rebirth. One keeps repeating cycle of birth and death until he understands the void and finds the way to rise above it. The void is the vast and endless expansion of maya that surrounds and ensnares all living beings.
The void is the center of mastery over our own and others once you become aware of the truth, as the kundalini fills the emptiness of void with true knowledge, one becomes their own Guru. The word GURU means one who can show the path in the dark. When one becomes master of himself, his attention comes out of all mundane and worldly things. Such person never gets attached to the materialistic things and ill desires. All desire that bounds oneself to worldly illusion are ill desires and one should learn to drop in order to rise in higher consciousness. A person who has become guru will always be away from confusion and illusion.
Those Guru who are stuck to the one religion and do not show faith and respect towards other religions are fake guru. Such guru has conditioned themselves and because of that they cannot rise above Nabhi tatwa. (Navel Chakra). One need to be very cautious while choosing the Guru if they are really seeking the truth and not want to bind themselves to the one Dharma.
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।
गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥
The Guru is the Self. The Guru is both ‘external’ and ‘internal’. From the ‘exterior’ he gives a push to the mind to turn inward; from the ‘interior’ He pulls the mind towards the Self and helps in the quieting of the mind. That is Guru’s grace. There is no difference between God, Guru and the Self.
Attention: Tell me how do you see MAYA as affecting your perceptions and experiences of the world around you by commenting and share the post with your friends to bring the out of the ocean of illusion.