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"Do not go to the garden of flowers! O Friend! go not there; In your body is the garden of flowers. Take your seat on the thousand petals of the lotus, and there gaze on the Infinite Beauty." - Kabir Das


"The river that flows in you also flows in me." - Kabir Das


"I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty." - Kabir Das


"The world is a deep well. How can you know what is inside? Be humble and wise, and you will find the truth." - Kabir Das


"Do not put the scriptures on the high shelf. You cannot reach them. Do not leave your soul in the hands of the priest. It is your responsibility." - Kabir Das


"The true guru is a mirror in which you see yourself. You cannot see your face in running water. Only in still water can you see your reflection." - Kabir Das


"The path to the Truth is a journey of one inch. It is not easy, but it is a journey worth taking." - Kabir Das


"The only true guru is the one who can guide you to your own self." - Kabir Das


"If you want the truth, I'll tell you the truth: Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you." - Kabir Das


"The light of the sun is seen by all, but it is only the owl that sees the beauty of the night." - Kabir Das


"If you are looking for a friend who is faultless, you will be friendless." - Kabir Das


"Do not go outside your house to see flowers. My friend, don't bother with that excursion. Inside your body there are flowers. One flower has a thousand petals. That will do for a place to sit. Sitting there you will have a glimpse of beauty inside the body and out of it, before gardens and after gardens." - Kabir Das


"The clay is moulded into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that makes it useful." - Kabir Das


"I do not believe in the gods and goddesses of the Hindus, nor in any religion. I only believe in one God, the same God for all." - Kabir Das


"Between the seeker and the sought there is a bridge. That bridge is love." - Kabir Das


"The drop is merged into the ocean; the finite is lost in the infinite. It is left to the individual to know himself as he is." - Kabir Das


"The bird is singing in the sky. The tree is whispering to the wind. The mind is quiet, but the heart is singing." - Kabir Das


"If you want to find God, hang out in the space between your thoughts." - Kabir Das


"The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing. But man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air." - Kabir Das


"The river that flows in you also flows in me." - Kabir Das


"The man who does not know his own soul cannot know anything else." - Kabir Das


"The disciple is not ready until he becomes his own guru." - Kabir Das


"Be a lamp to yourself. Be your own confidence. Hold on to the truth within yourself as to the only truth." -Kabir Das


"The river that flows in you also flows in me." - Kabir Das


"The real beauty is in the silence and the untouched." - Kabir Das


"The world is a prison-house and the only way to escape is through spiritual discipline." - Kabir Das


"The fish in the water is silent, the animals on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing. But man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air." - Kabir Das


"Your true friend is the one who tells you the truth, even if it hurts." - Kabir Das


"The tree does not withdraw its shade from the woodcutter." - Kabir Das


"I do not believe in the power of man-made religions, I only believe in the power of love." - Kabir Das


"The only way to get to the Truth is through questioning everything." - Kabir Das


"Do not go to the garden of flowers, O friend, go not there. In your body is the garden of flowers. Take your seat on the thousand petals of the lotus, and there gaze on the infinite beauty." - Kabir



"The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous." - Kabir Das


"If you want the truth, I'll tell you the truth. Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you." - Kabir Das


"What you seek is seeking you." - Kabir Das


"The drop is inside the ocean, and the ocean is inside the drop." - Kabir Das


"Do not be so proud and arrogant, my friend, that you cannot bow your head to the ground. The lowest of the low can reach the highest of the high." - Kabir Das


"One who has found the Truth has found everything." - Kabir Das


"If you are a true seeker of the Truth, you will not see differences in the world. You will see unity and oneness." - Kabir Das


"The guru is within you, meditate on the name of the Lord, and you will find him there." - Kabir Das


"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." - Kabir Das


"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Kabir Das


"The river never tries to please anyone, it just flows." - Kabir Das


"I am neither of the East nor of the West, no boundaries exist within my breast." - Kabir Das


"I am a bird of God, and the bird's path is the path of love." - Kabir Das


"God is in me and in you, and in every living creature, and in every atom of the universe." - Kabir Das


"The moon shines in my body, but my blind eyes cannot see it." - Kabir Das


"Between the poles of the conscious and the unconscious, there has the mind made a swing." - Kabir Das


"The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day." - Kabir Das


"We are all cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." - Kabir Das


"As long as you live, keep learning how to live." - Kabir Das



This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical,legal or other professional advice. The content on Divine Dawn is to support, not oppose, any medical and psychiatric  treatment. Please take help from professional if you have any condition.


It's true that I own this site, but it's not for me but for everyone who wishes to plant the first seed of spirituality in their mind and grow into bodhi tree by watering knowledge day by day.



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